-------------------------------- DARKWAR II v1.3 ----------------------------------------- By Blue Skull Entertainment http://blueskull.cjb.net RelaseNotes 31.7.2002 ( v.1.0 ) -If the game runs slowly on your machine, try decreasing visual effects from options menu. -If you want to play your own background music for example from a CD, turn off MIDI musics from options menu, and simply leave your music player running from background. -Remember, that you can set your own keys, if you don't like the default settings. Default Keys: Player 1: Move/Aim Cursor keys Jump Left Shift Shoot Left Ctrl Change weapon Enter Crouch down Num.pad 0 Player 2: Move/Aim WASD keys Jump F Shoot G Change weapon T Crouch down H This game was made with The Games Factory. Graphics, coding with TGF, music and design by Mika Lehtisare. Mika Lehtisare also mixed some sound effects, but didn't make them himself. They are from different free resources. These people beta tested this game: Jani Kaataja Zimo Marq Juzznik Manesoftware Sutiman Hulluhonkanen Zabber Bugfixes in 1.3 -Fixed save game on winNT systems -fixed "best time text" when browsing survival levels Bugfixes in 1.2 -( ! ) Reduced crashing of the game -Tries to find missing arena levels -Improved player movement (won't crouch down on slopes so often) -If an enemy gets off screen, it will be returned to the bottom of the screen. -Added default key refrence to this helpfile Bugfixes in 1.1 -Game over and win screens fixed -Back button on options fixed